Drosanthemum bicolor is an erect small shrub, 1 m tall and 1.5 m in diameter with a shallow root system. The short-lived, easily dropping leaves have prominent water cells which glisten in the sunlight. The daisy-like flowers are yellow with red tips borne in spring (September-November). The fruit is a capsule and the seeds are brown and round.

  • Scientific name: Drosanthemum bicolor L.Bolus
  • Family: Aizoaceae
  • Genus: Drosanthemum

Origin: Drosanthemum bicolor is native to South Africa. 

source pic:  flickr.com

How to Grow and Care

Drosanthemum is a ground-hugging succulent that produces stubby, green succulent leaves.

The cylindrical leaves rarely reach more than four to six inches in height. While it doesn’t get very tall, the root system allows the plant to spread several feet across, making it suitable for ground cover.

Propagate the ice plant from cuttings or seeds. Sow seeds in April using the following steps:

  • Add regular potting soil with sand to small pots.
  • Scatter the seeds on top of the soil but don’t cover them.
  • Place a sheet of plastic or glass over the pots.
  • Moisten the soil and set in a warm spot.
  • Germination typically takes about two to three weeks.
  • When the seedlings appear and become firm, transplant them to their own containers.

source pic: pinterest.com

  • After sowing in April, the young plants should be ready for transplanting by June. Place them in a bright window. To propagate from cuttings, take cuttings in August. Use sandy soil with fast drainage in propagating boxes or small pots.

    The cuttings will grow best when placed over a heat source. If this is not possible, ensure that they get plenty of sunlight and are kept in a warm spot.The young plants should be kept at about 50 degrees to 55 degrees Fahrenheit during the first winter.

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